(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
The Mental Wellness Center, Inc. offers Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) because it is effective and evidence-based. Francine Shapiro developed EMDR in 1987, utilizing this natural process to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) successfully. Since then, EMDR has effectively treated various mental health issues. EMDR is a body-mind integrated therapy proven to be highly effective for those who have experienced trauma. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy is an integrated therapeutic approach that considers a person’s somatic (physical) and emotional states.
EMDR is founded because trauma interferes with our brain's ability to process stimuli. Adaptive Information Processing is the foundational basis for EMDR. Adaptive Information Processing, or AIP, asserts that when we experience a traumatic event, those memories get stuck in our brains. Those stuck memories can lead to past memories feeling very present. It can frequently be difficult to determine if the triggering event is from the current day or the past because the brain experiences the current, related event as if it were the past disturbing event.
The challenge with trauma is not just that something horrible has occurred in our lives, but what we internalize that we make it mean about ourselves or our world.
Many people mistakenly believe that EMDR is a technique or a modality. It is comprehensive psychotherapy with 8 Phases and 3 Prongs, and various concepts. When meeting with a therapist at The Mental Wellness Center trained in EMDR, you will develop an individualized treatment plan specific to your needs. You will explore concepts such as the Window of Tolerance, Somatic Resources, and Bilateral Stimulation.
“We believe that the mind and the body are deeply interconnected. ”
At The Mental Wellness Center, Inc, we view EMDR from a more somatic focus. This means we believe that it’s not enough just to address the stored memories but also need to focus on how the body has processed those stored memories. We believe that the mind and the body are deeply interconnected. This is why we focus on the symptoms of trauma rather than the specific memories. While working with clients, we teach somatic resources (body-based exercises) designed to empower the client's affect and connect. Our therapists will work with clients to practice these same resources during their sessions to keep participants engaged and emotionally regulated.
Over the past few years, EMDR has been shown effective for things more than just trauma and PTSD. It’s proven effective for anxiety, depression, OCD, phobia, bipolar disorder, etc. EMDR is not a one size fit all modality, and each client will develop an individualized treatment plan.
If you are interested in looking into EMDR therapy, please contact us at 309-807-5077 or email us at Info@TheMentalWellnessCenter.com