Prioritizing Yourself During the Holiday Hustle

EMDRIA Certified 
EMDRIA Consultant In Training

The holiday season is often synonymous with joy, love, and celebration. For some people, however, the holiday season brings up thoughts and feelings of stress, isolation, loneliness, and frustration.  However, amidst the glittering lights and festive cheer, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of overscheduling and over-committing. As the invitations pile up and the to-do list grows longer, it becomes crucial to prioritize yourself. This guide aims to help you navigate the holiday hustle with a focus on self-care, ensuring that you don't lose sight of what truly matters.

  • Reflect on Your Priorities:

Before diving headfirst into the holiday chaos, take a moment to reflect on your priorities. What brings you the most joy during this season? Is it spending quality time with loved ones, indulging in your favorite festive activities, or simply relishing some quiet moments of solitude? By identifying your priorities, you can tailor your holiday plans to align with what truly matters to you.

  • Set Realistic Expectations:

It's easy to succumb to the pressure of creating a perfect holiday experience. However, setting realistic expectations for yourself can alleviate stress and prevent burnout. Instead of trying to do it all, focus on a few meaningful activities that bring you genuine happiness. Whether it's decorating the house, baking your favorite treats, or participating in a cherished tradition, choose activities that align with your priorities and bring joy without overwhelming you. Realistic expectations can span from not over-scheduling, to staying within your budget, to checking in with yourself around what commitments feel good to you. 

  • Learn to Say No:

One of the most challenging aspects of the holiday season is the influx of invitations and requests. While it's tempting to say yes to everything, learning to say no is a powerful act of self-care. Politely declining invitations or requests that don't align with your priorities allows you to protect your time and energy for the activities that matter most to you. While learning to say no, please give yourself permission to not attend gatherings where you are treated as less than the amazing person you are. 

  •  Schedule "Me Time":

Amidst the hustle and bustle, carve out dedicated "me time" in your schedule. Whether it's a quiet evening with a book, a soothing bath, or a brisk walk in nature, make time for activities that recharge your batteries. Prioritizing self-care not only benefits you but also enhances your ability to be present and joyful during the holiday festivities. Focusing on self-care doesn’t have to be expensive and doesn’t require a day-long commitment. 

  • Delegate and Collaborate:

You don't have to shoulder the holiday responsibilities alone. Delegate tasks and collaborate with others to share the workload. Whether it's preparing a holiday meal, decorating the house, or organizing an event, involving friends and family fosters a sense of community and lightens the load on your shoulders. For many of us, the default is to do everything especially when we’ve asked someone to do something more than once. Give yourself permission to ask as many times as it takes and really lean into delegating.

  • Set Effective Boundaries

Boundaries are limits or guidelines in relationships. People can’t know your boundaries unless you communicate them. Give yourself permission to surround yourself only with people who encourage you, uplift you, and support you. If a situation, experience, or person doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, or worse, makes you feel bad about yourself, remember that you don’t have to accept unacceptable behavior. 

  • Utilize Compassion

One of the most effective ways to prioritize yourself during the holidays is to utilize compassion. Specifically compassion towards yourself. Talk to yourself with grace and compassion, treat yourself well, and set yourself up for success. Perhaps during the holiday season, it makes sense to resign from the committee that treats you so harshly. Pushing yourself doesn’t allow you to prioritize yourself or your well-being. Take a moment and imagine what could shift if you leaned into just treating yourself really nice. Which could include setting yourself up for success, making allowances for yourself, and ultimately building yourself up. 

As you navigate the holiday season, remember that it's okay to prioritize yourself. By reflecting on your priorities, setting realistic expectations, learning to say no, scheduling "me time," and collaborating with others, you can create a holiday experience that aligns with your values and brings genuine joy. This year, unwrap the gift of self-care and savor the moments that truly matter.

If you are struggling with prioritizing yourself this holiday season, or even just managing your emotional states this holiday season, please consider scheduling an appointment with a trained professional. To view our list of therapists, please view here:

If you are ready to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists please feel free to follow this link:


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