Knowing When It Is Time To Seek Therapy, Recognizing The Signs

By Jenn Bovee, LCSW, CRADC, CCTP, CCHt
EMDRIA Certified
EMDRIA Consultant In Training

In the journey of life, we all face challenges and obstacles that can impact our mental and emotional well-being. Just as we visit a doctor when we're physically unwell, seeking therapy is a proactive step towards taking care of our mental health. Despite the stigmas that linger, therapy is an invaluable resource that can provide guidance, support, and tools for navigating life's complexities. But how do you know when it's time to seek therapy? In this blog, we'll explore some common signs that indicate it might be beneficial to consider therapy.

1. Persistent Overwhelming Emotions

Experiencing intense and prolonged emotions, such as sadness, anxiety, anger, guilt, shame, or hopelessness, can be a sign that therapy could be helpful. If these emotions start to interfere with your daily life, relationships, work, well-being, or overall functioning seeking professional help can provide you with the necessary coping strategies.

2. Impact on Relationships

Struggling with communication, conflicts, or disconnect in your relationships can be a strong indicator that therapy could be beneficial. A therapist can help you develop effective communication skills, address underlying issues, and work towards healthier relationship dynamics. A therapist can teach you how to prioritize your relationship in ways that allow it to heal and flourish. 

3. Major Life Transitions

Life transitions, such as a divorce, loss of a loved one, moving to a new city,  changing careers, changes in health, or drifting friendships can be incredibly challenging to navigate alone. Therapy can provide a safe space to process these changes, explore your feelings, and develop resilience to adapt to new circumstances.

4. Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as excessive alcohol or drug use, binge eating, excessive daydreaming, binging, or self-harm, is a clear signal that professional support is needed. However, what are some less extreme unhealthy coping mechanisms include: isolation, relying too much on others, doomscrolling, sleeping too much or sleeping too little, overeating, or not eating at all. If you are experiencing any of this, seeing a therapist can assist you in developing healthier ways to cope with stress and challenges.

5. Disrupted Sleep Patterns

Sleep is such a crucial and necessary element of healing, wellness, and growth. When someone is experiencing consistent sleep disturbances, whether it's insomnia, excessive sleep, or even just waking up repeatedly can significantly impact your mental health and overall functioning. If sleep issues persist, therapy can help you address the underlying causes and establish healthier sleep routines.

6. Persistent Negative Thoughts

Having occasional negative or unpleasant thoughts can be a normal part of life. However, if you find yourself trapped in a cycle of negative self-talk, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, or a shame and guilt spiral therapy can assist you. Therapy can teach you to challenge and reframe these thought patterns, leading to improved self-confidence and mental well-being.

7. Decreased Interest in Activities

When our interests in things begin to wein, it can happen quicker than we realize. It often starts with canceling things or stopping to show up for things. But when you are withdrawing from activities and losing interest in activities you once enjoyed or withdrawing from social interactions; that can be indicative of underlying mental health issues, such as depression. Therapy can help you regain a sense of purpose and find joy in life again.

8. Difficulty Coping with Trauma

Trauma is often defined as something that overwhelms your nervous system or exceeds your coping skills. Experiencing a traumatic event can have a lasting impact on mental health. Witnessing or experiencing trauma can have a devastating impact on your nervous system, body, or mental health. If you find it challenging to cope with the aftermath of trauma, seeking therapy can provide you with the tools to process and heal from these experiences.

9. Persistent Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms like chronic headaches, stomachaches, and body or muscle tension can oftentimes be manifestations of underlying emotional distress. Consulting a therapist can help you explore the mind-body connection and work towards holistic healing.

10. Feeling Stuck or Directionless

Life can be really tough at times. If you're feeling stuck in life, unsure of your goals, or struggling to find purpose, therapy can help you gain clarity, set achievable goals, and develop a plan to move forward.

Taking the step to seek therapy is a powerful act of self-care and self-awareness. There's no shame in asking for help when you need it. Recognizing these signs and acknowledging when it's time to seek therapy can lead to improved mental well-being, enhanced relationships, and a more fulfilling life. Remember, you don't have to go through life's challenges alone – a skilled therapist is there to guide you on your journey towards healing and growth.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with a therapist, please review our therapists here:

If you would like to set up an appointment please contact us at 309-807-5077 or email us at




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