Understanding Trauma-Informed Therapy At The Mental Wellness Center, Inc

by Jenn Bovee, LCSW, CRADC, CCTP II, CCHt
EMDRIA Certified
EMDRIA Consultant In Training

In recent years, the field of mental health has undergone some significant transformations which have placed a greater emphasis on empathy, understanding, and holistic approaches. One such approach that has gained prominence is “Trauma-Informed Care.” In this blog, we will delve into what “Trauma-informed” means at The Mental Wellness Center, Inc., and how it’s changing the landscape of mental health treatment.

Trauma-Informed care is an approach that emphasizes creating a safe, respectful, and empowering environment for individuals who have experienced trauma. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Trauma Informed Approach, trauma-informed care aims to realize the widespread impact of trauma and understand paths for recovery; recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma in patients, families, and staff; integrate knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices; and actively avoiding re-traumatization. 

Trauma-informed care operates from a position of being grounded in the understanding that trauma can have lasting effects on a person’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Rather than focusing solely on treating symptoms, trauma-informed care aims to address the root causes of distress and help individuals on their path to healing and recovery.

At The Mental Wellness Center, Inc. trauma-informed care is based on several core principles that guide our interactions, interventions, and overall approach to supporting individuals: safety, trustworthiness & transparency, peer support, collaboration, empowerment, cultural sensitivity, humility, and responsiveness.

  1. Safety: Ensuring physical and emotional safety is paramount. Staff members are trained to create an environment where individuals feel secure and understood. Our primary construct is to make sure that each client feels physically and psychologically safe.

  2. Trustworthiness and Transparency: Building trust through clear communication and transparency fosters a sense of safety and reduces anxiety, especially for those who have experienced betrayal or broken trust in the past. At The Mental Wellness Center, Inc. decisions are made with transparency and communication, with the goal of building and maintaining trust. 

  3. Peer Support: The power of shared experiences cannot be underestimated. Peer support groups and interactions provide a platform for individuals to connect with others who understand their journey. In Central Illinois, individuals at The Mental Wellness Center, Inc. with shared experiences are integrated into the organization and viewed as integral to service delivery. 

  4. Collaboration: Trauma-informed care at The Mental Wellness Center focuses on collaboration rather than control. Power differences in life are likely to continue to occur. However, when those power differences occur, it’s crucial to recognize and communicate about them and level them to best support shared decision-making.

  5. Empowerment: Clients, staff, and community members are empowered to actively participate in decisions about their treatment and recovery.  In Central Illinois, The Mental Wellness Center works to recognize, build on, and validate client and staff strengths. Which includes a belief in human resilience and the ability to heal from trauma.

  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing and respecting the cultural, social, and individual differences of each person is central to trauma-informed care. This helps to avoid retraumatization and ensures that care is tailored to the unique needs of each individual.

  7. Humility & Responsiveness: The Mental Wellness Center, Inc. continues to evaluate and recognize biases, stereotypes, and historical trauma. Once they are recognized we work to address and find solutions to those biases. During the intake process, the client’s cultural and spiritual experiences are thoroughly explored. 

Many mental health practices that state they engage in trauma therapy can cite those core principles, however, the issue to explore is how they implement them. The Mental Wellness Center’s commitment to trauma-informed care is reflected in various aspects of our programs and services:

  1. Screening: Each client is screened for a trauma history to better understand their needs and triggers. 

  2. Training: All staff members receive comprehensive training in trauma-informed practices, ensuring a consistent approach across the organization.

  3. Language and Communication: The Mental Wellness Center, Inc. uses language that avoids triggering or retraumatizing individuals, promoting a healing environment. 

  4. Flexibility in Treatment: Trauma-informed care acknowledges that healing is not linear. It’s also not one size fits all. Treatment plans are adaptable and may evolve based on the individual’s progress and changing needs

  5. Community Engagement: The Mental Wellness Center actively engages with the community to raise awareness about trauma-informed care and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. 

Trauma-informed care is a transformative approach that recognizes the profound impact of trauma on mental health and well-being. The Mental Wellness Center’s commitment to this approach is evident in its emphasis on safety, trust, empowerment, and cultural sensitivity. By incorporating trauma-informed practices into our programs and services, they are paving the way for a more compassionate and effective model of mental health treatment. As awareness grows and more institutions adopt these principles, we can look forward to a future where healing and recovery are at the forefront of mental health care.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists, please reach out to us at www.TheMentalWellnessCenter.com or email us at Info@TheMentalWellnessCenter.com


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